Welcome to Bob’s Book Reviews
A nonprofit website designed to bring readers to reviews/recommendations highlighting older books that Bob believes deserve a good dusting off. Positive book reviews by Bob would range from Bill Bryson’s The Lost Continent “Travels In Small-Town America” (1989); “Eyewitness to Power” Essence of Leadership Nixon to Clinton, by David Gergen (2000); Last Days of Summer, the novel by Steve Kluger; A Confederacy of Dunces, the novel by John Kennedy Toole (1980); Wait Till Next Year—A Memoir, Doris Kearns Goodwin; to Cavett, a 1974 autobiography of Dick Cavett.
Never being one to pass up an opportunity for a bit of shameless self promotion, Bob welcomes one and all to a sneak preview of his latest work----The Inn: Memoir of a “Storied” Past .This laugh filled page turner will soon be available for publication. For a sneak peek just click on this link.
For more about Bob go to the top of this landing page and click on Bob’s Bio, Bob’s Books (see his latest novel Animal Home), Bob’s Blog (fun thoughts about writing and the book business). Oh, looking for older book recommendations from notable readers — everyone from bestselling authors Bill Bryson, Carl Hiaasen, Diane Chamberlain, and Nelson DeMille to eight-time Emmy-award winning writer and producer Jonathan Hock? Just click on Notables’ Notes at the top of the page.
So, Bob loves new connections, the more readers the merrier and his relationship with (see) the WRAL.COM icon here on the home page links readers to WRAL Channel 5’s excellent website, a site that millions visit weekly and one that excerpts Bob and his notables reviews.
As to the V Foundation for Cancer Research icon, Jim Valvano, the famous NC State basketball coach, was an English major and a voracious reader. Here, with a single click readers of Page Turners from the Past can go to the V Foundation, an entity that has—to date—raised more than $ 200 million to fight this dreaded disease. Contributions to this most worthy charity are greatly encouraged. Bob wrote V&Me “Everybody’s Favorite Jim Valvano Story.”
Now, one never knows what books Bob might find fascinating. Again, although he is a fan of many of the blockbusters from the past, his review list, this being a niche gathering, will feature a regularly posted review and always close with a link to Amazon or an independent book distributor that offers the books (used and new, hardback and paper or e-book) for very affordable prices plus shipping (many in the used paperback category for as low as pennies plus shipping). Bob IS NOT compensated for these The Price Is Right sales!
Bob also reminds readers to join the millions of Americans who ask their local librarian to request titles.
So, take a stroll through Bob’s dusty shelves, click on the reviews for past page tuners that will have you turning those well worn (and greatly deserved) pages.
Past Page Turners Reviews